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How to get the key service


Description of services

Service place

How to get it


External Medical Services:

In the case of outpatient patients, necessary medicines and free medicines are provided. The newly constructed building will be provided free of cost for the diagnosis of complex patients in the near future, subject to availability of various pathological tests, X-rays etc. Displaying various health-educative information through multimedia for patients coming to the treatment. Besides, pre-pre-delivery, postpartum and postpartum services are provided to the patients.

Union Health Center and Upazila Health Complex

Through doctors, nurses / paramedics


Intermediate medical services:

Service will be provided on inter-department basis.

Upazila Health Complex

Through doctors, nurses / paramedics


Medical services in the emergency department:

With immediate effect from emergency department (up to 8:00 am, from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm), immediate medical treatment of all emergency patients including emergency management of patients, dog bites, water pile etc., in any accident, providing necessary medicines and for better treatment, District Medical College Referral to the hospital. In addition, the healthcare complex of the government mobile phone is provided to the patients with full medical advice.

Upazila Health Complex

Through doctors, nurses / paramedics


Immunization Program:

The immunization program protects children against the risk of diseases referred to as 8 preventable vaccines in children with deferioria, polio, hooping cough, arsenic, tuberculosis, measles, jaundice and meningitis.

Temporary vaccination centers in the field of each upazila

Through field workers


Primary health care:

Community clinics located at the ward level, up to the upazila health complexes located at the Union Health Center and Upazila level, providing free medical treatment to all types of diseases, and providing health awareness to the health conscious.

Community clinics located at the ward level, at union level

Upazila Health Complexes located at Union Health Center and upazila level

Field workers / CHCP, paramedics and doctors


Integrated medical management of under 5 year old children:

Upazila Health Complex and Union Health Centers, under special arrangements, under 5 years old children are provided with free medicines of pneumonia, diarrhea, fever and nausea.

Each Union Health Center and Upazila Health Complex

Through doctor / paramedics


Maternity Services:

Upazila Health Complex and Community Clinic are provided with normal care and providing pre-pre and post-delivery services, providing free medicines and providing necessary advice.

Community clinics located at Upazila Health Complex / Union / Ward Stage

Through doctors, nurses / paramedics


Tuberculosis and leprosy control programs:

Upazila Health Complex, Union Health Center and Village level DOTS centers and village level identified with tuberculosis examination and diagnosed tuberculosis patients with special medicines provided free medicines. In addition to organizing special awareness program, public meetings, seminars, miking etc. were organized in different organizations, clubs, hats, etc. to create awareness about tuberculosis and leprosy control among the people.

Upazila Health Complex

Through doctors, nurses / paramedics


School Health Education Program:

In addition to providing health education, malnutrition and blindness preventative education, health education is provided for the prevention of AIDS and the loss of smoking / drug addiction. Public awareness building activities are conducted in different hats and multimedia.

Various schools / market Hats

Medical Officer and Senior / Junior Health Education Officer


Vitamin A and worm control program:

To prevent deficiency of vitamin A deficiency in vitamin A, all children in the village level / primary schools / EPI outreach centers (1-5) years of age are fed capsules to high-capacity vitamins twice a year and are similarly (2-5) years old Malnutrition is prevented by feeding wormic pills through a special program twice a year for all children.

Upazila level hospital / field stage

Field workers' mother